Tuesday, July 7, 2015

We Love Coconut Oil

Silk Pressed on Kinky Curly natural hair conditioned with a reconstructing and coconut mask treatment. Following a haircut only taking off a quarter to half of an inch off her hair freshening up her look! No more than that was necessary unless we are going for a different look but Toya stays on stop of her Haircare needs. Besides the longer you hang on to that length that is damaged and lifeless the more you will have to cut. Stay on top of your Haircare to avoid any problems that may take a while to revert because it's much easier to prevent. Protein, Moisture, healthy ends and a good diet (lifestyle) is essential in having healthy hair!

Protein helps to strengthen our hair from becoming weak and breaking similair to our skin. When our skin is dry it cracks, which causes aging.

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Improves the moisture of your skin

Can be used as a pretreatment prior to shampooing depending the density of your hair before or after shampooing is up to your discretion. Someone with extremely coarse hair/dry may use it after shampooing for extra moisture while someone with fines air may use it before shampooing so it's not to heavy leaving the hair very oily

Helps detangle hair

Protects hair from potential damage

Contains a lot of medium chain triglycerides (fatty acids) used as a source of energy resulting in a therapeutic effect.

Used for cooking

Kills harmful pathogens like bacteria viruses and bacteria.

Pure Coconut oil can be used on your hair and skin, and for cooking!

ATLANTA July 18th-23rd
ROCHESTER July 24th-28th

NYC if you haven't already book your appts as soon as possible!

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