Thursday, August 1, 2013


     “I don’t feel like dealing with all that hair” or “her hair makes my hands hurt” this is something that many say or may even be thinking when someone with a head full of thick hair walks in for an appointment.  This is usually the case with people who have curly, or coarse to extremely coarse hair.  This is sometimes even more difficult for the one who has to deal with it for the rest of their life BECAUSE ITS THERE HAIR.  All you need to do is help them with their daily routine and style it according to their lifestyle to make things easier on them.  This is why finding the right products for certain hair textures are essential.  Just because you are the same race as another who recommends another product doesn’t necessarily mean that the product will work for you also.  Finding products for your hair is a process, and besides it is very rare you will find another person with the same exact hair texture as you.  Due to the picture above you may think that this only applies to a person who is black or African American, but believe it or not thick textures come in other races as well.  Yes it may be more common with people of color, but it definitely exists amongst others. 
   Hair doesn’t define your beauty, but it is a beautiful thing and a great beauty enhancer.  But we seem to always complain about what we have rather than embracing it.  Natural hair women and girls seem to have it bad, because their hair is looked upon as a burden.  If you find that you are around someone who doesn’t enjoy doing your hair because it may be more work than what they are use to then find someone else who doesn’t mind.  YES!!!! Natural hair takes longer than usual but one of my favorite things about natural hair is VERSATILITY you have many options especially with styling.   This change can be done with out chemically changing the structure of the hair, which makes it even more beautiful.   In this industry always prepare yourself for challenge, or else you will find yourself stuck doing the same thing, OR EVENTUALLY IRRELEVANT.     

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